Hi plant friends and welcome to the first blog post we’ve ever published! Yes, we’ve written a few before, but with a team of perfectionists behind our brand, it’s hard to get anything passed through all of the quality checks. Which is why this is the first one that has ever made it to this point. 

I (Rejandi) was overthinking the posts too much and always wanted the content to be perfect and fitting. However, I’ve recently changed my mind and decided to make our first post more personal and informal while trying to keep it informative.

So welcome and hi! This is us, and here is how we feel about green fingers and plant skills.

I’ll let you in on a secret. Kyle and I weren’t always plant people. Shhh! Don’t tell anyone!

This is why we firmly believe that green fingers can be grown and that it isn’t something you have to be born with because we have grown our own over the last few years.

Now listen, growing green fingers doesn’t always come naturally and we had to say farewell to quite a few plants before we learned our lessons and realized what it takes to successfully take care of a houseplant.

Surprisingly, our biggest lesson was: STOP FUSSING!

Most houseplants thrive on neglect. The plants in our house grow best when we’ve kind of forgotten about them a bit. The best explanation for this is that you cannot overwater a houseplant when you’ve forgotten that it exists.

Lesson number two: Rather underwater than overwater.

It’s easier to bring a plant back from the brink of death due to underwatering whereas a plant can very rarely recover from overwatering. There are some ways that you might be able to save an overwatered plant, but that’s a topic for another time.

Lesson number three: Learn to “listen” and “read” your plants.

Yes, they talk. Some of them are louder than others. Your plants are constantly giving you signs to show you what they need. The easiest signal to read is the “I’m thirsty” sign. Especially if you own a peace lily or a nerve plant. Then I know you’ve seen the dramatics that can ensue when you’ve missed a watering and how quickly they recover. The best advice we can give you is to not water your plants until they tell you that they’re thirsty.

Lesson number four: Lighting!

There is a big difference between bright direct light and bright indirect light. Your houseplants are actually all shade plants. Which means that they grow in the shade of other plants in nature. This also means that none of them require direct sun. In fact, direct sun would burn their leaves and cause more harm than it will do good. Houseplants require bright indirect light. So choose the room in your house that has some windows and place your plants there. Determining where the best spot for your plants will be, is also a topic we can touch on in the future.

Lesson number five: Choose the right plants

This is something that we’ve been telling our customers for years. Your success with plants is influenced by the plants you start your journey with. So start with something easy. Something for a beginner. Our website is full of those kinds of plants and we’d be more than happy to recommend one for your space. Once you’ve gotten the hang of beginner plants the world is your oyster! Don’t give up because you killed one plant, try and try again but try with different plants.

So there you go! Five of the most important lessons to learn when you’re trying to grow green fingers.

Check out some of our beginner plants or send us a WhatsApp and we’ll help you decide on a plant that suits you best!

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